
Monday, November 14, 2011

FML... really?

FML. Those damn three letters have bothered me ever since they freaking came together to represent F*** My Life. 

I mean really? Come on. 

Why is your life so shitty that you have to say FML after every damn facebook status about school or life? I can understand if it is something really serious and detrimental in life but I honestly don't think your life is that terrible because YOU choose not to study for your test that you aren't ready for.

Sorry if I sound like I'm bitching but... I am. 

This is definitely something that I feel like I'm not the only one that thinks this. Why do you really have to say something so dumb to represent something bad happening in your life? It is not all that bad if you take a look at it.

In hind sight, don't you think your life get progressively worse in a sense? Every time something bad happens in my life, I definitely get sad or angry but... after a while I realize that it's not all that bad compared to some other people. I mean do you have a roof over your head? A car to drive to school? An education? A family? Friends? Internet?

I just feel like everyone takes everything in life for granted including myself. I don't think everyone stops for a second and just appreciates something so great in their life. I am happy that I can still walk and that I can still see everyday. I am happy that I have friends that want my company. I am happy that my family really loves me.

Maybe it is the Thanksgiving spirit of what you're thankful for and the Christmas spirit coming upon us but... next time before you post "FML" in upper case bold letters after your little phrase, you should take the time to think about how bad your life really is.

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