
Monday, November 28, 2011

For A Moment

Although it was for a moment, it felt good to feel like I had some actual awesome best friends. Maybe I shouldn't be basing this off one night... or am I basing this off multiple times? 

Who am I to really judge who is a good or bad best friend? I just feel like I'm being treated as an option when I'm treating them like a priority. My friends seem to come first a lot in my life. But I don't seem to come first in a lot of my friends' life. Maybe I'm just too naive to know that everyone has their own life and can't care about others? Maybe they just don't have the time and strength to?

Hell what do I know? I'm a pretty bad friend myself sometimes. 

Ass Back Home

Fuck the bullshit. Cut the lights and draw the curtains. This is done.

Friday, November 18, 2011


It's funny how I have to make this post. Well... not that I HAVE to. But that I want to make this post and even have to say something of this sort.

So where do I start? 

Well good friends will always be good friends right? Wrong. Of course that's a stupid question. No one will stay friends forever. Now what about best friends? Same stupid question.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that... you shouldn't mix business with friends. As much as you want to include your homies in your business endevours... just don't.

My personal experience? Well let me tell you. I had a friend that I spent countless hours talking to about starting a clothing line. Starting a company from scratch among a couple friends to possibly because rich and famous with? Doesn't sound too bad right?

Well once we get started, what happens? Damn I'm too busy bro. Sorry I can't commit the time. 

All perfectly understandable. Maybe it was my own misconception that he wanted it just as bad as me. So I forced him to stay in the company. Honestly, I did. I pretty much told him that I'd pick up the slack and just to stick by it and come back in full force when he wasn't so busy. 

But damn. This is where the friendship parts come in. 

You make phone calls to chill. Texts to drink. Emails to do whatever. But nothing. 

I don't know what he's thinking. Maybe he thinks everything is business related? Maybe he really is TOO damn busy for everything... with school and all right?

What I don't personally understand is how someone is able to post updates/statuses and stuff on facebook about a new game you picked up or that you're out drinking with other friends. 

Damn for real homie? I thought we were best friends. I really thought you'd be my best man one day at my wedding. But I guess I was wrong. It's funny how a person can change so fast and so much in this short amount of time. 

You are a bad business partner. And I guess that is obvious because you don't want to be a business person. So that's my bad for asking you to be a part of this.

As for being a bad friend? That's all on you homie. And I don't want to say that you aren't capable of being a good friend. Because you came to visit me in California and you are a damn good best friend when you want to be. I guess you grew out of me and that's understandable too. I can get pretty boring. 

Thank you for the good ideas. Thank you for the continual support. Thank you for giving us the good luck for the company. I really do appreciate that with the least amount of sarcasm possible in this situation. 

At the end of the day, you will always be my homie. Question is... am I yours?


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Sometimes I feel like I lose sight on why I started photography... I think I started because I wanted to take amazing pictures of cars. But what about now? I don't even shoot cars all that often.

Photography is a way to express yourself. Photography isn't just a picture you take that captures a moment. It's a picture you take that captures your emotions, your life, your ideas, your everything. I mean there really is no way to explain it. You can ask a photographer to define why they do what they do and you'll always get a different answer. 

Photography at its best is when someone can appreciate it. It does not have to be amazing. It does not have to be picture perfect. It just has to tell this story that can translate to other people. Photography isn't about the gear that you have. It isn't about the lighting or the subject. It's about your dslr, camera phone, point and shoot, or whatever you have and the thing that you really want other people to see. 

I had this blog post kind of laid out in my head but once I started writing it, I kind of just lost sight of what I really wanted to say. I'm terrible at expressing myself in words. Maybe that's why I take pictures? Unfortunately those suck too haha.

Monday, November 14, 2011

FML... really?

FML. Those damn three letters have bothered me ever since they freaking came together to represent F*** My Life. 

I mean really? Come on. 

Why is your life so shitty that you have to say FML after every damn facebook status about school or life? I can understand if it is something really serious and detrimental in life but I honestly don't think your life is that terrible because YOU choose not to study for your test that you aren't ready for.

Sorry if I sound like I'm bitching but... I am. 

This is definitely something that I feel like I'm not the only one that thinks this. Why do you really have to say something so dumb to represent something bad happening in your life? It is not all that bad if you take a look at it.

In hind sight, don't you think your life get progressively worse in a sense? Every time something bad happens in my life, I definitely get sad or angry but... after a while I realize that it's not all that bad compared to some other people. I mean do you have a roof over your head? A car to drive to school? An education? A family? Friends? Internet?

I just feel like everyone takes everything in life for granted including myself. I don't think everyone stops for a second and just appreciates something so great in their life. I am happy that I can still walk and that I can still see everyday. I am happy that I have friends that want my company. I am happy that my family really loves me.

Maybe it is the Thanksgiving spirit of what you're thankful for and the Christmas spirit coming upon us but... next time before you post "FML" in upper case bold letters after your little phrase, you should take the time to think about how bad your life really is.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Rice Box

So I got to go to the grand opening of The Rice Box today. And I must say... it was definitely grand. So... where to start?

Well first off, kudos have to go to John and Arthur for such a great job on this food truck. No corners were cut getting this baby prepared to be launched. It looked great from the menu to the vinyl on the car provided by underground graphics. Props to having the first chinese food truck in Houston and being able to provide a great first time experience.

I was lucky enough to have a pre-opening tasting the other day and really got to experience a lot of the things on the menu.

Today unfortunately the General Tso's and Sesame Chicken was sold out when I arrived so I settled for one of the many great options they had. I ordered the Kung Pao Chicken and I was glad I did. The chicken pieces are bigger than your normal kung pao chicken from restaurants and the sauce was just right. They give you the right amount of chicken to rice ratio. Having the chicken on top of the rice makes for great rice as you get closer to the bottom because of all the sauce dripping down. I must say I was impressed. The egg roll that they serve with it is also pretty damn good. I love my egg rolls so I can't say that I was disappointed. Also they include a fortune cookie which is a huge bonus because you get lucky lotto numbers and a saying that probably isn't a fortune at all. Mine said "Love Conquers All." You get all of this... just for 7 bucks. I say that's a pretty damn good price for a food truck and for everything you get.

I got to try the General Tso's chicken the other day and I was REALLY blown out of the water with that. I just have to say that the breading is on point and the sauce is not your typical restaurant style sauce. It had a lot of thought put into it and definitely tastes amazing.

I can see the success of this food truck just over the horizon and I think they should have no problem wooing other customers over.

Trash can action.

Orders up!

Thumbs up!

Awesome menu.

Mayday Mikey.

The Chef!


Kung Pao Chicken


The Golden Doomba

Follow them!

Follow them on twitter and support local Houston food trucks!

Friday, November 11, 2011


So after demolishing an ocean bowl at Pho Thai Binh Duong with Dphan and Allen, we got to talking. What did we talk about? Well... several things which all included derping, photos, fapping, and how I wanted to be famous. How that all correlates... I have no idea. 

However, it is the truth that I want to be famous. I mean... in my previous post I said I'd rather be successful which is the truth still. But I do want to be famous. I want to be known. 

I want to be THAT guy that everyone wants his attention. I want celebrities, youtube stars, business owners, or anyone for that matter to want and meet me. I want people to want to meet me and know who I am in public. I know that's asking for a lot but maybe it's just because I want to meet all these other famous people. 

I recently went to the Taylor Swift concert and I realized that I can't go to things like a concert. Why? Because I get so upset at the fact that I'll never get to meet this person. And if so in fact that I do get to meet them, they'll never remember me in a million years. That is what really makes me angry. I want to meet Taylor Swift. I want to meet Alyssa Bernal. I want to meet Ebony Day. I want to be able to get to know them and just be friends with them. That's all I want. Screw people saying they are in love with them and crap. I just want to be able to hold a conversation and grab some food or chill every now and then when they have the time. 

I want to make friends. Is it because I lacked friends when I was young? Possibly so. But who cares. I'm unpopular and don't have many friends that I can call my real ngas but oh well. 

At the end of the day... I still have what I have. Fvck Famous.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Chasing Cars

"We'll do it all... everything... on our own."

Isn't is weird how you think you have some real close friends and then they throw something at you that makes you go wtf? You would think you know them so well and that everything would always be so cool. But then the 180 degrees come and makes everything all weird and awkward. How do you resolve it? How are you able to just make everything okay and go back to the way it was? I feel like that isn't possible and that maybe things will just be weird always... Who knows.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I feel like I'm writing a blog post a day now. But any who.

I want to be successful. I want to make a name for myself. I want people to KNOW who I am. I don't want them to just know of me. I want them to want to be me. I want people to be jealous. I want people to envy. I want people to respect me.

What makes a person so successful? Well... that's a definition that I don't think is the same between any two people in the world. My definition? A person that is doing something they love and influencing the world at the same time. 

I want to make money. Doesn't everyone else? Well I guess not everyone because there are non-profit organizations but you know what I mean.

I don't necessarily want the most expensive things in the world. I just want nice things. I want to live comfortably. I want to not worry about money on a day to day basis. 

I don't have to be number one. I don't want to be number one. But I'm going to aim for it. I'm going to aim for the stars and moon and just stop short of the sky. Right?

I want people to follow me on twitter and asking me for to reply to them or retweet them. I want people to want me to notice them. What will it take to get to that status? I want people to be amazed when they meet me. I want people to come up and me and ask me if I'm a certain person. I don't necessarily want to be famous. I'd rather be successful than famous. I just want to be known. Can't that go hand in hand?

One step closer towards success. I hope I don't make a mess.

Random thoughts late at night

So I have all these ideas going on in my head... well not just ideas but a lot of... things.

I can't seem to put everything down on paper. I can't even seem to think of how to put these things down on paper. There's just so much going on right now.

I think I just have so much going on right now that I want to fix and do everything... but in reality I'm not doing anything... because I'm just too damn busy thinking about all the stuff I want to.

I'll be honest with you all. I'm scared. I am scared of what I'm going to do for the rest of my life. I'm scared about what tomorrow holds. I am scared if this clothing line will launch well. I'm scared that I'll even be able to support myself in the future. I am one lazy ass guy but how do I keep motivation within myself to drive and do better? I have to do something I love. I have to. Why should you do anything but something you love?

Life doesn't require you to actually HAVE to do anything. Everything is a choice. Wrong or right. Good or bad. Things will have outcomes and in the end, you just have to ask yourself if it is worth it.

I feel like every time I write a damn blog post, I am just repeating myself from years ago but just with better spelling and nicer vocabulary words even though my vocabulary is very limited.

I really just want to organize my toy collection. I really just want my car to look clean and be complete again. I really just want to be done with school. I really just want my girlfriend to spend more time with me.

I feel like through out my life I haven't achieved anything significant yet. I've made a ton of friends, enemies, and etc. But I have met only a few people that I can say I love and would do anything in the world for. But you see... that's not the problem. The problem is... how many people in the world would do that for me?

I feel so insignificant. I want to know I have friends that are there for me no matter what. It is like that quote how friends make time for you but people that love you don't bother looking at time and just come. Or something like that. I basically want to be able to trust some people with my life if need be.

Maybe I'm reading into my life a bit too much. I just want a c-one lip on my celica.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Less than three

So another blog post.

The result of this extremely overwhelming feeling in my heart that I am probably so happy with my life? Or maybe I just don't feel like studying for my supply chain management test tomorrow. You decide.

I have the best girlfriend in the world. She puts up with all my shit. It doesn't matter if I yell at her or get angry at her or do stupid things. She always cares about me the exact same and supports me in her own unique way (which kind of sucks but oh well). I know in my heart she cares for me just as much as I care about her. And I am one damn lucky guy to have her still. She doesn't think I'll ever leave her. And she's right. Why would I leave her? I'd have no reason in the world to leave her. If anything, I'm worried about her leaving me. I am truly lucky to have such a great person in my life that just definitely makes my life better. But not only that, she makes ME a better person. I like to think of my girlfriend as the syrup to pancakes or the sprinkles to ice cream. You can do without it... but it just isn't the same. My life would not be the same without you babe and I just want you to know that. Forever and always. It's a love story baby please just say yes. <3

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Thousand Years

I hate having that word in my mind. Regret.

Why should we ever regret anything? I hate thinking about... what if. or what could have happened. or what would have happened.

It didn't happen for a reason right? Why should I be lead to believe that my life would have been any better if I went down that path? How different would my life be if I went to Bellaire High school instead of DeBakey? How different would it be if I didn't break up with my ex girlfriend?

I feel like everyone always has these thoughts. That maybe life could be so much more different, not necessarily better, than it is right now. For better or for worse. Would you go back and do something different? If you had a chance to go back right now and change one thing in your life that could potentially alter the rest of your life, would you do it without knowing if it would be good or bad?

I think my problem is that I just hate losing people in my life. I don't care what you did or what happened but I feel like there should be no reason to lose touch. Maybe I'm just touchy about the subject because my ex-girlfriend defriended me from facebook but shit... that's a first for me. Not saying that I care but it obviously shows in certain ways.

I love my life right now. I have a great girlfriend, support group of friends, career in the future, caring family, etc. The list just goes on and on. There should be no reason for me to question my past. But how come it still comes up?

Maybe it is just the mystery of the "what if's" and things you passed up. There's no point in looking back because you can't go back right? You can't just relive high school because that's just not possible.

I guess all you can really do is learn like everyone else and make decisions you won't look back on in the future. I know I've made some damn good decisions in my life so far. And some... not so great. But hey, who am I to be anywhere close to perfect?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Korean Festival

So a couple of my friends and myself decided to head to Korean Festival to check it and see what it's all about. Supposed to have great food and festivities. 

We arrive to a pretty packed Discovery Green and quickly just pay for parking. The walk isn't bad of course except the fact there are a ton of mosquitoes everywhere. Off would have been a good idea.

We walk around this tiny festival only to end up in the food section and buy tickets to purchase food. That's pretty much all we really did. We heard Clara C sing in the background as we stood in line for some type of pancake we already had. 

The highlight of the festival? Probably seeing a million and one people that we recognized and knew from way back when that we haven't seen in forever. Friends always make things better. An event is only as good as the people there enjoying it with you.

Korean Pop Star Spotted.

Why hello.

I ain't even mad though.

Get that mouth ready.


Fvck yeah. We cute nga.

Why so sad?

Why we waited at Kobecue.

The other reason why we waited at Kobecue.

Sweet Pancake thingies.

Clara C yo.

Rest of the pics: