
Monday, July 4, 2011

Things in life

You know a lot of people complain about a lot of things in life. Such things may include not having enough money, doing bad in school, not having enough time to have fun, and etc. Well have you ever stopped to think about your life style?

Why do you need so much money? I understand everyone wants nice things including myself. But maybe you just need to manage your money better? I used to think making more money would allow me to just have all the money to spend. Well I was absolutely wrong. If I just manage my money better, I could get the things I want the most and still be just as happy.

Doing bad in school? Well maybe you're partying too much? What about if you're not actually spending the time to study and complaining about studying more? All that time you spend on fb complaining isn't going to help. And then it's just going to distract you because you get on to post and then stay on to browse and an hour is already gone there.

Not having enough time to have fun? I guess that is a pretty legitimate  complaint except maybe you should make time to have fun. No time to have fun because you're working too much? But is that because you want money so bad? 

I mean I think it's just a huge vicious circle of complaints, excuses and reasons on why our lives suck so much. 

But let me ask you this, how about that guy on the street that is begging for money? Do you think he's happier than you? He probably has more money than you to be honest. He has no living expenses like a house, car, gas or phone bill. All he has to worry about is getting food and water and finding somewhere to sleep at night. He has all the time in the world to relax and have fun. He doesn't have to work a day in his life. But the downside? Well... he's homeless. But who does he have to complain to? No one but himself because no one will take the time to listen to him.

So what am I trying to get to? Well I don't really know myself. Maybe I'm just trying to say complain less about life and do something about changing it.

I can honestly say that I am one lucky son of a gun and enjoy life to the fullest right now. There really isn't more I could ask for right now. I will continue living my life and have it take me to where I need to be. I will make more money, I will enjoy my life, and I will complain less daily. Those are my goals.

It is getting pretty hot here in Los Angeles though. Blah.

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