
Friday, July 8, 2011


So I don't know what compelled me to make this post... actually I do but I just don't want to say any names.


Why do I feel like people now a days just want to drink alcohol and party? I mean I know it's the "cool thing" to do and everyone does it. But why even that?

So many people now a days can drink underage and face no consequences. What happened to the days where you would be scared to drink?

People feel like they are entitled to drink now a days just because they have the ability to get it illegally. Just because you can't drink for one night doesn't mean you should rant and flip out. It wouldn't be a damn problem if you were actually 21.

I'm still not 21 but I'm not exactly looking forward to my birthday for drinks. I'm looking forward to it so I can get a gun license and gamble in Vegas.

Maybe I'm just being a huge hypocrite but I don't respect girls and guys that party and drink all the time and aren't even of legal age. What are you going to do with your life? Be successful right? Only a couple people can actually say that while holding a beer.

Maybe it isn't fair for me to say all this.

But doesn't it make you angry to see people post on facebook about their alcoholic nights and clubbing nights when they are actually still teenagers? Does anyone in this world care about anything else but booze and partying?

Maybe you have to reach 21 to realize that it isn't all that. And then you won't care as much. People want what they can't have right?

I'm not saying drinking is bad. I just think drinking is over rated.

Bah. Fuck it all.

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