
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It's funny how somethings in life just hit you so hard.

One night can be going so fine and then all of the sudden everything kind of collapses.

I guess this is the aftermath of holding everything in for so long.

I miss everyone in Houston. I miss Houston period.

I miss my girlfriend. I miss my mom. I miss my brother. My car. My toys. My basketball days. I miss everything.

It's true when people say there's no place like home.

I just want to go home. I want to go back to a place where people actually care remotely about me.

I have such good friends in Houston. I should've just taken my internship back in Houston and stayed close to what I know.

At least back home someone would plan something for my 21st birthday. Or would they?

Alaska here I come.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Basketball Revelations

So while I was playing basketball today, I realized... I want to be the super star.

Sounds crazy right?

Well I didn't realize that not everyone wants to be the super star.

I played on a team today of probably the best four people in the gym. Three of the guys play normally together and another guy was probably good enough to play college ball. He would shoot the three from 5-10 feet back or drive in on 3 people easy. The rest of us were just his support role and scored probably 4 of the 13 points needed.

After the game, one of the guys came up and told me he loved playing with that guy because he was so good. He liked to win but didn't want to try hard? At least that is what I got out of it. Maybe I misunderstood but I wanted to be the one scoring and the one shining.

I do like winning. I love winning. Only because I hate losing. But I would rather be the super star than the supporting role. I want to succeed in life and at the end know that I contributed to it 100% and was the main one.

But on a side note, they play to 13 points here and only by ones. Weird Californians. Oh wait I'm one of them...

Friday, July 8, 2011


So I don't know what compelled me to make this post... actually I do but I just don't want to say any names.


Why do I feel like people now a days just want to drink alcohol and party? I mean I know it's the "cool thing" to do and everyone does it. But why even that?

So many people now a days can drink underage and face no consequences. What happened to the days where you would be scared to drink?

People feel like they are entitled to drink now a days just because they have the ability to get it illegally. Just because you can't drink for one night doesn't mean you should rant and flip out. It wouldn't be a damn problem if you were actually 21.

I'm still not 21 but I'm not exactly looking forward to my birthday for drinks. I'm looking forward to it so I can get a gun license and gamble in Vegas.

Maybe I'm just being a huge hypocrite but I don't respect girls and guys that party and drink all the time and aren't even of legal age. What are you going to do with your life? Be successful right? Only a couple people can actually say that while holding a beer.

Maybe it isn't fair for me to say all this.

But doesn't it make you angry to see people post on facebook about their alcoholic nights and clubbing nights when they are actually still teenagers? Does anyone in this world care about anything else but booze and partying?

Maybe you have to reach 21 to realize that it isn't all that. And then you won't care as much. People want what they can't have right?

I'm not saying drinking is bad. I just think drinking is over rated.

Bah. Fuck it all.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Things in life

You know a lot of people complain about a lot of things in life. Such things may include not having enough money, doing bad in school, not having enough time to have fun, and etc. Well have you ever stopped to think about your life style?

Why do you need so much money? I understand everyone wants nice things including myself. But maybe you just need to manage your money better? I used to think making more money would allow me to just have all the money to spend. Well I was absolutely wrong. If I just manage my money better, I could get the things I want the most and still be just as happy.

Doing bad in school? Well maybe you're partying too much? What about if you're not actually spending the time to study and complaining about studying more? All that time you spend on fb complaining isn't going to help. And then it's just going to distract you because you get on to post and then stay on to browse and an hour is already gone there.

Not having enough time to have fun? I guess that is a pretty legitimate  complaint except maybe you should make time to have fun. No time to have fun because you're working too much? But is that because you want money so bad? 

I mean I think it's just a huge vicious circle of complaints, excuses and reasons on why our lives suck so much. 

But let me ask you this, how about that guy on the street that is begging for money? Do you think he's happier than you? He probably has more money than you to be honest. He has no living expenses like a house, car, gas or phone bill. All he has to worry about is getting food and water and finding somewhere to sleep at night. He has all the time in the world to relax and have fun. He doesn't have to work a day in his life. But the downside? Well... he's homeless. But who does he have to complain to? No one but himself because no one will take the time to listen to him.

So what am I trying to get to? Well I don't really know myself. Maybe I'm just trying to say complain less about life and do something about changing it.

I can honestly say that I am one lucky son of a gun and enjoy life to the fullest right now. There really isn't more I could ask for right now. I will continue living my life and have it take me to where I need to be. I will make more money, I will enjoy my life, and I will complain less daily. Those are my goals.

It is getting pretty hot here in Los Angeles though. Blah.


I realized that as you get older, it gets less and less important how you look but more about how you carry yourself and your personality. I guess that's why people say that nice guys finish last because as you get older, your chances increase by folds. 

Is it the fact that people just settle and realize its time to get a family or maybe it really does mean that appearance isn't everything?

I have several good looking friends, guys and girls, and it seems that the younger ones only care about how trendy and fashionable and fit someone is. As you get older, it's about who cares for you to most and how they treat you and make you feel after a terrible day.

And of course I am generalizing and maybe people can say they don't "fall" under this category but how much truth is there to that?

I appreciate real women that can love a man for just who he is. 

Although it wouldn't hurt to have a 6 pack as a guy. Hahaha time to go work out.

Fourth of July Weekend Continued!

Had a great Sunday during this Fourth of July weekend!

Woke up at my cousin's place and went to get some ramen. Headed to Bonnie and Derrick's after for their engagement party/BBQ!

I had a ton of fun that I didn't expect. Got to hang around with great friends and make some new ones. Everyone was friendly and had a good amount to drink.

The food was great and it was just relaxing. Couldn't ask for a better day here in Cali. The weather was great as well!

Today made me realize how much a group of friends can really make a day the most enjoyable time of your life. Although I miss my girlfriend very much in Houston and wish she was here, this definitely helps me keep busy until I can see her again.

I hope to see my girlfriend very soon and include her in all my adventures!

Congrats Bonnie and Derrick on the engagement! And congrats to Derrick for becoming an official US citizen! 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Quynh Nguyen Tran

Quynh was looking for some pictures and I was looking to take some. What more is there to be said?

It was a great session. I practiced with a lot of different lighting and just tried something different. We had a great time workign with each other.

Thanks to for lending me some gear to help me get the shots I wanted!

Here are some pictures from the session. Visit my website at to see the rest!

Fourth of July Weekend!

So far during this Fourth of July weekend, I have done absolutely NOTHING!

Actually I've been here at my cousin's house here in Newport Beach at a LAN party that started last night. I must say... it is a lot of gaming and fun.

I feel like a nerd but who cares?


It's funny how easy it is to be forgotten.

You would think that you wouldn't be forgotten like you were nothing. People treat others like toys. Life is just like a bunch of toys. When a new toy comes into the picture, all you care about is the new shiny and fun toy and forget about your old toy that used to entertain you for hours. But what happens in the end? Do you go back to your old toy that you remembered was so great? Or do you stick with the new one?

Forgotten. What a weird word. It has so many different meanings. To go away unnoticed. To be missing from the world. To be un-acknowledged by society. To not be remembered in the long run.

It really is whatever in the end. People are just people. It is only natural to forget. You move on and forget people that pass away soon enough. It's sad but it's also the truth.

No matter what... you will be forgotten.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Byron and Ting!

Congrats Byron and Ting!

I had the very great pleasure to work with Byron and Ting for their engagement shoot that my cousin, Ning Wong, invited me to. I am blessed to have experience such great love in this shoot. This is genuine love! I had a lot of fun on this shoot and learned many new things from my cousin.

Congrats again guys and I wish you a long and happy marriage!

Here are a couple photos that I picked out. To see the rest of my photos, visit my website @