
Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Year Brings New Things

     So realistically, a new year doesn't really mean much. It is just a means of keeping track of the days. Why does a new year have to signify a person's start or end of something? Starting good habits and killing bad ones. Setting new goals and forgetting old ones. It is never too early or late to start on improving yourself. With that said, I'm going to do the typical new years post - although it's a little late.

     2012 brought a lot of good and bad. I made new friends and lost connection with old friends. I loved, I lost and I forgot. Most importantly, it was another year that helped me grow and mature. I feel - as human beings - we can never fully cap out at a maturity level. There's always new things that you can understand better, comprehend differently or just plain learn. Life isn't about finding the end but ending happy with your findings (My attempt at something inspirational). I've experienced many things through out this year. I've had my heart broken. I've discovered a new love for EDM music. I graduated college. I started my career. I traveled around the US. To simply put it, I lived life. A friend of mine once asked my roommate what he was doing for the night. How did he answer? With a simple: "living life." And that he was right. I've learned that making excuses does not help anything progress. I've learned that being honest with yourself will always be the best approach. I've learned no matter how alone I feel, I'll always have someone to help me pull myself up. 

     Now this year will be about reaching new goals. It will be about finding myself. It will be about working harder than before. It will be about bettering myself and being happier with where I am. I am currently content. I am happy with where I am at but do not want to fall into another lull. I want to be ready for anything that comes at me in the future. My friend once told me - "It is never too late to do something. One day you're going to be 40. Now, the choice is yours whether you want to be 40 years old with a law degree or 40 years old without anything to show." A dollar in your pocket today is a dollar you didn't have yesterday. This mentality is what should make the world go round. I need to have these daily and constant reminders for myself so I can work hard to create results.

     Now I was stuck in this rut at the end of the year. It seemed like I was stuck here forever. I felt like life just kept me in the dark and there was no way out. I finally understood the feeling of "comfortable." All your life you are told to do well in school, focus on your studies, graduate, find a job, and make money. Everything following those tasks are related to a significant other/future family. And that is uncontrollable. I'm sure you could argue that you can go out and meet people but you cannot force a relationship. Unfortunately, you cannot force love. You have to wait patiently and hope it finds you. I knew all of this but couldn't bring myself to be patient. This is why I was stuck in a rut. I have always been working towards a goal my entire life.I had my job, my money, my entire life except for love. I didn't know what else I was supposed to do. 

     Love was what I was missing. The biggest thing I could not control. I'm at a point in my life where I have everything I could possibly need. Only thing missing was love. So I just sat and waited. Now that's not going to change, but in the mean time, I can better myself to be the best possible candidate to fall in love with, instead of moping around all day. I used to believe in fate. I used to believe in destiny. I used to believe in true love. I don't know if I believe in any of that anymore. But I believe that I will find someone to make me happy and appreciate me for who I am. 

     So here is to the new year. 2013. I'm not going to say I hope it is good. There will be ups and there will be downs. All I can hope is that I'll be fortunate enough to experience it all with friends, family, and my possible future wife to be.

New Years Resolutions:
240 pounds / 12% body fat
AWOL improvements
Hellaflush writing every month
Light painting / night photography
Write my book
Keep up with my personal blog
Travel  -NY, Seattle, Canada, LV, LA, SF
Get to know a stranger
Patch up old friendships
Spend more time with family
Save money
Clean/sort all my things
Get my car to show standard
Learn guitar
Practice piano
Learn how to long board / skate board / snow board / surf


  1. Great resolutions bigharrywang! Keep your chin up, always move forward, and be the person you really are.
