
Monday, January 16, 2017

Another Life?

     I randomly fell across this YouTube video of Brian Puspos which I really dig. I wonder how I missed it two months ago when it came out. I must be out of the loop but I didn't even know that he sang! So not only can this guy dance, but he can sing. Wow. I'm stunned and while I'm watching this music video... I start to wonder.

     Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live another life? To have followed a completely different path that wasn't meant for your current life? And I'm talking about things that you can't change very easily. I wonder what it's like to be an artist; nothing specific though. I wonder what it's like to have a breakthrough and be so passionate about a thought or idea and have it come to life. Is my definition of an artist correct though? Or am I fabricating what I'd like it ideally to be? I imagine artists to be creative, inspirational, passionate, driven, and free flowing. Am I wrong to assume that? I'm thinking I have some jealousy when I see successful artists. I know it must've taken countless hours, days, months, and years of dedication to get to where they are at. I can only imagine how much fulfillment they get to see their creation or project come to life and to be shared with the entire world. How beautiful. How glorious. How exciting is it to be able to share something that you created and have the world appreciate such an amazing work of art? Now this can apply to a painter, dancer, singer, DJ or any person in the creative industry. I wish I was a little more talented when it comes to creative activities. But I definitely appreciate when other people are so talented. It's such a pleasure and honor to be able to see their thoughts in their own medium.

     I'll always wonder because I will never be in a position to experience such an opportunity. I applaud all you out there that have that chance. Don't take it for granted. Keep up the great work!

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